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How to Automate Your Sales Follow-Up 

Because who has time for that?

First, here's why

It takes at least eight attempts to get a response


of leads that don't buy right away will buy within 12 months

increase in sales with an effective follow-up strategy
of your competitors are not following up (big opportunity here!)


sales follow-up statistics


Second, here's how to do it

writing icon


Build out your emails, texts, and voicemails.

sending icon


Set rules so they'll send out after a quote or cancel (and keep sending until you get a response).


Jump in when they respond so you can close the deal (or handle objections).

And now, how Hatch makes it easy

All you have to do is swoop in for the win. Watch and see ⬇️

With Hatch keeping track of and following up on every quote, you get:

icon - notebook


More responses



More sales

icon - graph chart


More of that sweet, sweet revenue


All in a fraction of the time.

Hatch Sales Follow-Up is designed to be simple

No need for tech skills. Just a desire to save time.

A look under the hood

  1. Connect Hatch to your CRM.

  2. Use the easy Campaign builder—with optional (but proven!) templates—to create a personalized sequence of outreach messages to your prospects.

  3. Set your rules so Hatch will automatically add contacts to the sequence when they meet the criteria.

  4. Get notified once your customers respond so you can jump in and take it from there. 

  5. Conduct and track all correspondence right within Hatch, and add team members to conversations as needed.

hatch sales follow-up workflow example

Have questions on this? Suspicions? Songs of praise?

Here's what our customers say about automated sales follow-up

"Our reps don’t have the time to follow up after every appointment. Hatch puts that on autopilot, so we can sell more jobs without any of the extra work."

"We made $1M in 8 months just by following up with unsold leads."

More screenshots for ya 👇

hatch - automate your follow up outreach
Personally follow up on quotes and estimates.
Create contact lists based on any criteria.
Create contact lists based on any criteria.
Use workflows to put it all on autopilot.
Use workflows to put it all on autopilot.
Contact lists will auto-update.
Contact lists will auto-update.
hatch - See all your nurture and follow-up campaigns in one place.
See all your nurture and follow-up campaigns in one place.
Jump in when you get a response.
Jump in when you get a response.

Stop dreading (or flat out neglecting) sales follow-up,
with Hatch.

Get a free 15-minute demo to see how Hatch makes sales follow up both easy and effective.