Speed to Lead Alternate Messaging

Note: It is recommended that you set up Organization-Level and/or Workspace-level Business Hours before continuing with this article, as both messages in this feature rely on established business hours.


For campaigns that have the first message At Launch (Speed to Lead), there is an option to create alternate messaging for After Business Hours.

If After Business Hours is enabled, leads that come in during non-business hours will receive the alternate message.

The contact will receive a message upon the Speed to Lead launch, and will also receive a message at the next open time (determined by set business hours) letting the contact know that the user is available again.


Things to Note

  • The alternate messaging option is only available if the campaign’s first message is At Launch
  • If you change campaign’s first launch time from At Launch to a scheduled time, the alternate messaging option will disappear
  • For alternate messaging, the times or the messages cannot be modified.
    • First message will always be At Launch
    • Second message will always be Next Open Time (determined by workspace Business Hours)
  • [[next_open_time]] is available as a snippet for alternate messaging only
  • Alternate messaging is SMS only
  • Files and attachments can be added to alternate messaging
  • Regular Launch Day messages are skipped if Alternate messaging goes out
    • Normal campaign resumes the day after the Alternate messaging 2nd message (the one set for Next Open Time)

Default Messages

First Message (At Launch):

Hi [[Contact First Name]]! This is [[User First Name]] from [[Details Company Name]]. We’re closed right now, but I wanted to confirm we received the quote request you just submitted. If you reply with some details about your project, I’ll reach out as soon as I’m available after we open [[Next Open Time]].

Users can edit the message if they’d like it to say something specific.

Message at Next Open Time:

Hello this is [[User First Name]] I just wanted to follow up with you on your request now that we are back in the office. Are you available to chat a bit more about your project?

Users can edit the message if they’d like it to say something specific.