
Set more appointments with qualified, compliant leads

Instantly engage new leads over text, email, and voicemail with automated, personalized messaging.

When you combine  LeadConduit with Hatch, you get:

  • 4x higher contact rates with high-consideration buyers
  • Visibility into your pipeline and ROI
  • 7-10% increase in close rates
  • 10DLC & TCPA-compliant texting
  • AI-powered messaging

And more. Schedule a call to learn more about the benefits of Hatch + ActiveProspect.

Learn more about ActiveProspect & Hatch

Why Hatch works

Speed to lead is the name of the game.
78% of people go with the company that reached out to them first.
You're 21x more likely to close if you respond to a lead within 5 minutes.
Increase your revenue by as much as to 20% without paying for more leads.

How Hatch works

  • Connect ActiveProspect and your CRM to Hatch
  • Put personalized outreach and follow-up on autopilot.
  • Get notified and jump in when leads respond, or let your Hatch AI Assistant handle the conversation for you.

About ActiveProspect

ActiveProspect offers contractors a way to safely and efficiently scale their lead generation efforts by helping to identify the leads most likely to convert, ensuring that each lead has “opted-in”, and verifying TCPA compliance.

Our integration enables contractors to instantly text, email, or leave a voicemail when a lead passes through LeadConduit, ActiveProspect’s real-time lead optimization platform.

Then contractors can use Hatch to continue the conversation in one collaborative platform, resulting in more appointments set and higher close rates.


Connect to more leads with ActiveProspect & Hatch