CMC Service Experts is Seeing a 269% ROI on Angi Leads

CMC Service Experts turned their Angi Leads ROI from -0.31% to 269% in just two months with Hatch.







The company

CMC Service Experts has been servicing the Triangle Area of North Carolina for more than 19 years. They offer electrical services and home generators, and expanded to include HVAC and residential developer services a few years ago. As a local service provider, they have earned the trust of their community and are highly regarded in their area of service.

The problem

Being an established, respected company, CMC Service Experts was bringing in leads from a multitude of sources. While this was great, it was also making it difficult to keep up. 

Hailey Hodge, Client Services Team Lead, explained, “We get leads from a lot of different sources. I mean, A LOT. Keeping up with everything was really hard. Our Leads Coordinator was really overwhelmed.“

Manual lead outreach

The first problem was that the CMC team was reaching out to leads manually. Because this was time- and labor-intensive, this resulted in slow or no outreach. Studies show that outreach has to happen within five minutes. After that, your chances of reaching that lead decrease by 900%. In other words, a high volume of leads doesn’t mean much if you aren’t reaching them.


Losing revenue

Because CMC’s lead outreach process was manual, it was subject to human error and limited by time. Several leads were falling through the cracks and being taken by competitors, resulting in lost revenue and missed opportunities for CMC Service Experts.

Negative ROI

Their inability to keep up with leads also meant that CMC wasn’t getting the most out of their investments into their lead sources. At one point, their Angi ROI was -0.31%. This meant they were actually losing money on Angi Leads.

The solution

CMC Service Experts knew that adding more personnel wasn’t the solution. They needed to work smarter, not harder if they wanted to keep up with their growth.

In their search for an automated lead outreach solution, they found that Hatch met their requirements.

Automated lead outreach campaigns

CMC Service Experts began using Hatch’s Speed to Lead solution. First, they integrated Angi with Hatch. Then, using Hatch’s campaign and messaging templates, they set up a lead outreach sequence, which is a series of personalized texts, emails, and ringless voicemails that fire out to a specified group of contacts over the course of several days. 

And because of the direct integration with Angi, this sequence immediately goes out to new Angi leads as soon as they come in, and continues sending until the lead responds. Once the lead responds, Hatch notifies CMC’s Lead Coordinator who then can jump in to engage with and qualify the lead, and set the appointment.

With this combination of integration and personalized automation, all of CMC’s leads are being reached instantly—and without their team having to lift a finger!


"With Hatch we're able to respond to leads incredibly quickly. The instant response saves us so much time. We love it!"

CMC-Service-Experts Hailey Hodge CMC Service Experts Client Services Team Lead

The results

With better lead management and higher response rates, CMC Service Experts has seen tangible results with Hatch.

Improved response rates

By reaching out to leads immediately, with more effective messaging, and being able to follow up until the lead responds, CMC is seeing higher response rates. Currently, their response rate for Angi leads is 68.3%, compared to the industry average of 25%.

In addition, the opt-out rate for their Angi Leads text campaign is 1.8%, compared to the industry standard of 3%.



Increased Angi ROI

With increased response rates and more effective messaging, CMC Service Experts are also able to convert more of those leads into appointments and sales. In fact, they saw an additional $99,000 in revenue, which meant their Angi ROI went from -0.31% to 269% within the first two months of adding Hatch to their arsenal.


Time saved

Hatch is helping CMC Service Experts save time with more than just automation. Hatch Workspaces keep their contacts and conversations organized with cards and columns that they can customize to fit their sales pipeline—making leads easier to track and manage and simplifying their processes. This further eased the pressure put on their Lead Coordinators.

“We save around 20 hours every week simply by using Hatch. The instant response saves us so much time but Hatch also keeps ongoing conversations organized so we can respond even quicker. I don’t know what we’d do without it.” says Hailey.

"We save around 20 hours every week simply by using Hatch. The instant response saves us so much time but Hatch also keeps ongoing conversations organized so we can respond even quicker. I don’t know what we’d do without it."

More integrations with Hatch

CMC Service Experts originally added Hatch to take the stress off their Lead Coordinators’ shoulders and improve ROI on Angi Leads. Now, they have integrated Hatch to other lead sources, like their website forms.

“We would absolutely love to have every single lead source of ours connected to Hatch. It helps immensely,” she explained.

Greater potential to scale with Hatch AI

In addition to the help they’ve had from Hatch automation, there is room for CMC Service Experts to further scale their success with Hatch AI.

Hatch AI bots save organizations even more time than Hatch automation alone by directly conversing with leads, prospects, and customers via text and doing backend admin work.

So once a lead responds to an automated outreach message, a Hatch AI bot can jump in to engage the lead, qualify them, and set the appointment.



Not only do these bots improve the employee experience by saving time and effort, but they also give customers a better experience, as they provide speedy responses and stay true to your brand voice. Hatch AI is enabling businesses to increase their lead volume without having to increase payroll. 

To experience Hatch AI for yourself, try Hatch AI here or book a personalized demo today.

Turn conversations into revenue with Hatch 

Find out how you can use automation and AI to turn conversations into revenue and reduce overhead costs. Request a personalized demo below.